But if youre into supporting companies engaged in producing quality biodegradable and sustainable cycling products, you might take a look at Pedros. Their Ethik line of accessories boasts just that pedigree. I particularly like their saddle burrito, the Ethik Seat Bag ($19). They call it the lightest and most aero seatbag on the Oris replica watches market. Which is cool, but Im more impressed that its recyclable. I hope I never wear it out to the point of needing to recycle it, but, hey, I can if I need to. I dont have all the info on its manufacturing footprint—feel free to enlighten me if you do—but its definitely a step in the right direction.
Theyve got a whole line of this stuff, including Mama Earth-friendly cleanin, lubin, and polishin products. The Total Bike Care Kit 2.0 ($30) comes with a citrus degreaser, foaming cleanser, chain lube, silicone polish, and a bike brush. Not too bad, as anyone whos bought bike-specific product over the years will know. Sometimes six ounces of replica Rolex Sports Models watch something will run you a sawbuck or more. I recently laid out this kit and went to town on my grimy, 20-year-old Trek 520 commuter bike and damned if the stuff didnt do a stellar job. Shes lookin sharp. A colleague thought it was a new bike. I was feeling dubious about the lube especially, but no more. Its great. Anybody else know of other cycling companies/products with a green bent?--JEREMY SPENCER
What exactly is a Western issue? Ed Quillen, writing in the High Country News has penned a sort of open letter from Westerners to the next president, asking the kind of questions East Coasters might never think of. For example: Who is your favorite Secretary of the Interior?Do you think the amount of Forest Service money alloted to fight wildfires is replica Sarcar watch appropriate? What changes are needed to the General Mining Act of 1872? (you know, the General Mining Act of 1872, right?)Where do you stand on the federal grazing fee?Personally, I think any person who can name more than one Secretary of the Interior gets +5 President Points. --Emily Matchar